Tag Archives: road trip

A Real Roadtrip

Watch out! A 7-hours road trip in New Zeeland can easily end up to be around 12 hours long.

If you decide to go on a road trip around New Zeeland, make sure you have lots of time on your hands! There are lots of beautiful things to see, scenery to photograph and film. When we drove from Hanmer Springs to Queenstown on the 30th of December, our 7 hour drive, ended up being around 10-12 hours long.


Beautiful scenery on the road between Hanmer Springs and Queenstown.


The road between Hanmer Springs and Queenstown is around 610 km long. If you drive on the “Scenic Route” (road 72), you save almost an hour, cause you skip all the red lights in and around Christchurch. Just a tip! =o) But… taking the “Scenic Route” might not save you time anyway, because it’s so beautiful all around you, that you probably stop everywhere anyway to photograph and/or film and just enjoy the nature around you. =o)


Aoraki/Mt Cook, is the highest mountain in New Zealand.

On our road trip from down to Queenstown we saw Aoraki Mt Cook, which is New Zealand’s highest mountain, and it is a part of the Southern Alps. The mountain is 3,754 metres (12,316 ft). The Southern Alps are one of only two mountain ranges in the world than run from the South to the North, instead of West to East.

We also stopped to film/photograph Lake Tekapo. You can see Mt Cook at the end of the lake, and that is a very beautiful sight.

Lake Tekapo on the South Island in New Zealand.

Yeah, you see wuite a few mountains, mountain ranges and similar stuff on your way through the South Island. This scenery definitely reminds me of Norway, and makes me miss Scandinavia. I thoroughly enjoyed the road trip down to Queenstown. We arrived in Queenstown around 8-9pm. The town was full of tourists! Most motels, hotels and backpackers said “No Vacancy”. We were lucky, and when we looked for a motel, a couple had just cancelled their room, which we then got. Usually, Queenstown is fully booked many weeks before New Years Eve. It is a very popular town to celebrate New Years in. Usually, there are around 22 thousand people in Queenstown, but during high season (mostly summertime) the population doubles!

We had some indian dinner, and then went to bed, very tired after the long drive.

Picton and Nelson

During the Christmas Break, I went with my boyfriend to New Zeeland‘s beautiful South Island and enjoyed both sun, rain, swimming in the ocean, good food, wildlife and nature.

In order to get to the South Island from New Zeeland‘s Capital, Wellington, you can either fly or you can take the ferry. The ferry leave Wellington several times every day. We wanted to drive around the South Island so we took the ferry and brought the car with us.

The Interislander can take you from Wellington on the North Island to Picton on the South Island in New Zealand.

It takes around 3 hours to travel from Wellington on the North Island, to Picton on the South Island. During this trip you can enjoy a cup of coffee, a movie or the spectacular nature all around you, form open ocean to great fjords.

Picton is a small town. The town has changed over the years and is growing bigger and bigger. I wonder how big it will be in 10 years?! There are restaurants, small beaches outside the town and you’re close to wildlife and nature. Most people though, just travel right through Picton to get to other nearby towns, cities or parks.

Vi såg några roliga brevlådor på vår tur mellan Picton och Nelson

We saw some funny post boxes on our way from Picton to Nelson.

Ginger Beer was nice to have on the trip.

A couple of hours drive from Picton, along the coast or on the bigger roads, you reach Nelson. A very nice city, or town, which has more sun hours every year than most places in the country. It is a very popular city/town for kiwis and tourists.

Nelson was out first stop on our trip around the South Island. We didn’t spend much town there, though, since we’d been there before. We just spent Christmas Day there. We arrived in the evening though after a wonderful drive along the coast. When we arrived we saw lots of kiwis who celebrated christmas on Tahunanui Beach right outside Nelson. Typical kiwi christmas. =o)

Nya Zeeländare och turister firar Juldagen på Tahunanui Beach i Nelson.

Kiwis and tourists celebrate Christmas on Tahunanui Beach with a picninc, a swim in the beach, suntaning and playing around

We had a delicious Christmas Dinner at the Thai Restaurant called The Golden Bell Thai Restaurant. Great food! If you ever visit Nelson, you just have to eat at that place! Mmmm…. A different kind of Christmas Dinner, but Oh so good!

Underbar utsikt på resan mellan Picton och Nelson.

Beautiful view on our trip from Picton to Nelson.

That was just the beginning of our road trip on the South Island.


Tillbaka till början / Back to the beginning

Ja, då har vi varit på vår bilfärd genom Sverige och Norra Norge. Det blev en lång tur över fjäll och genom fjordar och slätter, is, snö och barmark, kallt, snö och regn.

Vårat första stopp, efter att vi lämnat familjen i Bergsfjord, blev Tromsö. Tromsö är en oerhört vacker stad och området har varit bebott sen slutet av istiden. Först tror man att det var samerna (Nordens urinvånare) som bebodde området, sen flyttade Vikingar dit och så har det utvecklats från det. Tromsö har många byggnader och affärer etc som e de nordligaste i världen. Bl.a. Burger King i Tromsö är världens nordligaste. Om nu det e något att sträva efter…=o) Staden har blivit kallad “Nordens Paris” sedan en tysk turist på mitten av 1800-talet skrev i sin rese dagbok att Tromsö var den nordliga Nordens Paris. På den tiden var Paris som jordens mitt och att bli sammanliknad med den staden var mycket stort. Ni kan läsa mer om Tromsös historia på http://no.wikipedia.org/wiki/Troms%C3%B8.

Staden vi besökte efter Tromsö blev Narvik. Under andra värdlskriget var Narvik ockuperat av Tyskarna. Dem såg Narvik som en bra utgångspunkt för att säkra transporterna av järnmalm från den svenska staden Kiruna. Järnmalmen skeppades från Narviks hamnar och Tyskarna visste att järnmalmen skulle ha stor betydelse i deras vapenindustri. Men slutet gott, allting gott. Efter att Tyskland bl. a. förloprat två ubåtar utanför Narviks hamn i deras försök att ta över staden, så drog de sig tillbaka. Läs mer på följande sidor: http://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slaget_om_Narvik, http://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Narvik

Ja, när vi lämnat Narvik for vi över gränsen till Sverige och vårat första stopp där blev staden som e känd för sitt järnmalm, nämligen Kiruna. Namnet Kiruna kommer från samernas språk Giron och betyder Ptarmigan. Ptarmigan e en fågel som oxå kallas snö kyckling. Konstigt namn på en stad, men, men…=o) I alla fall…På grund av att Kiruna har så massa järnmalm så ska nu hela staden flyttas! Låter konstigt, men det e sant. De började flytta de första husen i 2007. Man vill alltså åt järnmalmen som ligger under staden. Många byggnader kommer bara att rivas ner och sen byggas upp på den nya platsen för staden, men Kirunas stadshus kommer att bli “skuret” i 4 bitar och fraktas till sin nya viloplats. Detta e en stor operation må jag säga… Mer om Kiruna hittar du här: http://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kiruna

Precis utanför Kiruna, i Jukkasjärvi, ligger Is Hotellet . Detta e en ganska otrolig byggnad må jag säga, helt gjord av is. Is Hotellet i Jukkasjärvi var det första is, eller snö hotell som byggdes i världen. Sen dess har flera olika länder oxå gjort is och snö hotell. På vår väg ut från Kiruna åkte vi och besökte detta hotell. Varje år byggs hotellet upp utav is som de tar från en älv i närheten. Sen kommer det konstnärer från när sagt hela världen och får “dekorera” ett rum var, eller flera rum var. Skulpturerna som de gör i desssa rum e helt otroliga och går inte att vbeskriva med ord. Man måste se det med sina egna ögon. Väl värt ett besök om ni har vägarna förbi. =o) Mer om is Hotellet hittar du här: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ice_hotel

Nästa stopp blev Luleå. Luleå Grundades först på början av 1600-talet i Gammelstad, men på grund av att landet höjdes så flyttades staden några år senare. Gammelstad finns fortfarande kvar dock och där har de en Kyrkby som nu e en av de få som finns kvar i världen. Den e oxå med på på Unescos världsarvslista. Luleå är utskeppningshamn för järnmalmen från Malmberget. Luleå e en stad väl värd att besöka, och speciellt Gammelstad med sin Kyrkby e något som var person måste se om ni har vägarna förbi. Se mer på denna sida: http://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lule%C3%A5

Umeå, som vi stannade i härnäst, e en stad som finns sen runt 1400-talet. På den tiden var de nordliga delarna av Norden inte så bra utforskade. Umeå har sedan dess växt och växt och än idag e den den snabbast växande staden i Sverige. I slutet av 1800-talet härjade en stor brand i umeå och 2-3000 männiksor blev hemlösa. Men man byggde snabbt upp staden igen och samtidigt planterade man massor utav silver björkar. Därför kallas staden idag för björkarnas stad. Umeå e kulturens huvudstad i Norra Sverige och har Norrlands Opera och Umeå Jazz festival varje år. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ume%C3%A5

Ja, sen for vi till Sundsvall. Sundsvall var från början en fiskarby, men sen blev det bestämt att det skulle byggas upp till en stad. I början på 1600-talet hade man så byggt upp en stad. Men på mitten av 1600-talet kom Drottning Kristina på att staden skulle flyttas och det gjorde man. Så på början av 1700 talet så kom Ryssarna ocvh brände ner hela staden som sen låg i ruiner. Men stadsborna byggde återigen upp staden. Sunsdvall växte och blev starkt och vid en period på 1800-talet var det en mycket stark stad inom sågverksindustrin. Det e en intressant stad, läs gärna mer på http://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sundsvall.

När vi hade varit i Sundsvall for vi vidare neråt landet till Gävle. Gävle blev känt som en stad på mitten av 1400-talet och de hade länge privilegiet att vara några av de enda som fiskade längs Norrlands kusten. Liksom många andra nordliga städer så härjade bränder i Gävle när Ryssarna kom och plundrade och brände ner städer. Men även Gävle kom sig ur detta med att bygga upp staden igen. Det folk känner till mest med Gävle är den kända Gävlebocken. Detta e en bock utav halm som byggs upp varje år runt 1:a advent. Det har blivit som en sport för många att bränna ner bocken, och varje år väntar Svenskar och andra nationaliteter på att se när bopcken ska brännas ner. 1966 sattes den första bocken upp i Gävle, och efter det är det inte många bocklar som har fått stå orörda under hela jul. Kanske man borde ändra på konceptet runt bocken. Gävle kanske skulle dra in massor av pengar på att ha ett speciellt datum varje år då de faktist bränner ner bocken lagligt inför åskådare. Folk skulle nog strömma dit för att se bocken brinna. Ett förslag till kommunen kanske…?! =o)  http://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/G%C3%A4vle, http://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/G%C3%A4vlebocken

Sen for vi tillbaka till min hemstad Karlskoga. Det kändes gott att vara hemma igen efetr över en veckas biltur. Att sova på hotell, äta hotell frukost, vandra runt i nya städer etc e jätte trevligt, men man blir bra trött på det hela efter ett tag. 1 vecka är nog nock. Men kanske dfet känns lättare om man stannar i en stad mer än 1 natt. Då får man tid att vila emellan bilturerna. Det e något vi får tänka på till nästa gång. =o)

Ja, det var vår bilfärd genom Sverige och Norra Norge. En trevlig och lärorik resa måste jag säga, men nu ska jag njuta av den sista veckan i Sverige genom att umgås med min familj och bara njuta.

Vi höres snart igen och god fortsättning till er alla! =o)

P.S. När du läser igenom mina “små” brev så kanske du ser att vissa ord har en annan färg än resten av texten…?! Du kan klicka på dessa ord och komma till sidor som jag har linkat. Detta gör jag för att du ska kunna läsa om vissa saker och finna ut mer om det jag skriver om. I detta brev har jag skrivit ut web sidorna åt er, men i fortsättningen kommer bara vissa nyckelord vara markerade så att ni kan klicka på dem och komma till linkarna.


Well, we’re back from our road trip through Sweden and northern Norway. It was a long trip over mountains, through beautiful fjords, flat roads with ice, snow, cold and rain.

Our first stop on the trip from northern Norway was Tromsö. Tromsö is a very beautiful city and the area has been inhabited since the ice age. They think that it was the sami people (the indigenous people of northern Europe) who first inhabited the Tromsö area. The Vikings moved there later on and the area has developed more and more after that. In Tromsö there are a lot of buildings and special stores etc that are the most northern ones in the world. Among them, Burger King in Tromsö is the most northern one in the world. If that’s anything to strive for… =o) Tromsö has been called “Paris of the north” ever since the mid 1800’s when a German tourist wrote in his travel diary that Tromsö is the Paris of the northern Europe. In the old days, Paris was like the center of the world and it was a special thing for any city to be resembled with Paris. You can read more about the history of Tromsö on http://no.wikipedia.org/wiki/Troms%C3%B8

After Tromsö we went to a city called Narvik. Narvik was occipued by the Germans during the 2nd world war. The Germans thought that Narvik was a great starting point to secure the transports of the iron ore that came from the swedish city Kiruna. The iron ore was shipped from the harbour in Narvik and the Germans knew that the iron ore would be very significant in the weapon industry. In the end everything went well and after Germany had lost 2 submarines among several things in their attempt to take over Narvik, they left the city for the Allies to take over. Read more about this on: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battles_of_Narvik

When we had been in Narvik, the natural thing was to go to Kiruna, in northern Sweden where they are famours for their iron ore. The name Kiruna comes from the sami word Giron and means Ptarmigan. Ptarmigan is a game bird in the grouse family. A weird name for a city and I don’t know why it’s called this. Oh, well…Because Kiruna has got so much iron ore, the whole city is now going to be moved so that they can get to the iron ore underneath the city! Sounds incredible, but it’s true! They started to move houses in 2007. A lot of buildings are going to be torn down and the rebuilt in the new spot for the city. The city hall is going to be cut in to 4 parts, moved to the new place and put together again. More information about this city you will find at the following website: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kiruna

Right outside Kiruna there’s a small city called Jukkasjärvi and there you can find the famous Ice Hotel. =o) An incredible building totally made out of snow and ice. The Ice Hotel in Jukkasjärvi was the very first ice hotel in the world. But now there are ice hotels in many different countries around the world. Every year this hotel is rebuilt and they use the ice from the lake which is situated nearby. Then artists arrive from all over the world and they get to “decorate” a couple of rooms each. They make the most incredible ice sculpures ion each room and each room has its own imaginary, fantasy themes. It’s amazing. =o) You can’t really describe this, and not even pictures can make the rooms justice, you have to go there abnd take a look for yourself. =o) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ice_hotel

Next city we visited was Luleå. Luleå was founded in the 17th century in a place they called Gammelstad. But the water level changed and came closer and closer to the city so they started to build the city in another place, further inland a few years later. Gammelstad still exists and it’s also a Church town which is now one of the last church towns in the world and it is now a Unescos World Heritage Site. Luleå is an important harbour from where they ship the iron ore from Kiruna. Luleå is a city well worth city to visit and you should definitely visit the Church Town if you ever get to Luleå. Find more about this city on: http://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lule%C3%A5

Umeå was our next stop, even further south in Sweden. This city has been around since the 15th century. Umeå has grown and grown since then and it is one of the fastest growing city in Sweden today. A big fire ravaged the city in the 19th century and over 2000 people became homeless. They rebuilt the city and at the same time they planted lots of silver birches in the city. The town is now called The city of silver Birches. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ume%C3%A5

Sundsvall, where we went next, was a fishing village to begin with. Then they decided to make it a city. In the beginning of the 17th century they had built a city. But in the middle of the 17th century, Queen Kristina decided that the city should be moved, and they did so. In the beginning of the 18th century the Russians came and burnt doen the city which was then olnly ruins. But the people who lived there rebuilt the city one more time. The city has been growing strong since then. Read more about the city on http://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sundsvall.

The last stop we did before we came back to my hometown, was Gävle. Gävle became known as a city in the early 15th centuary and they who lived there had the great privilige of being almost the only ones who fished along the coast of northern Sweden. Like many other cities in northern Sweden, Gävle burnt down when the Russians robbed the cities. But even Gävle came out stronger after these fires and rebuilt the city. What people think about mostly when you mention the city Gävle to them, is the Gävle Goat. The goat is a giant christmas straw goat built in the city every year in the beginning of December, around the 1st of Advent. Every year the goat is around 13-metre tall, 7-metre long and 3 tonne heavy. It has become a sport to see if the goat is going to be burnt down or not during the course of December, before christmas. It is illeagl to burn down the goat, but the goat has become famous because of it. People from all over the world watches the webcams on their computers every day to see if the goat is going to be burnt down. It’s like a sport…=o) Unfortunately, this goat was burnt down the night before we went to visit the town in December. Very typicall. http://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/G%C3%A4vle, http://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/G%C3%A4vlebocken

Well, that was the end of our trip. We went back to Karlskoga, my hometown, after Gävle. To sleep in hotels, eat hotel breakfast, wander around in new cities and everything is very nice and ytou learn many new things. But after 1 week of new beds every night and lots of time spent in a car, I felt that coming back home was very nice. =o) Maybe staying more than 1 night and day in a city is better. Taht way you get to relax a bit in between the traveling. That’s something to consider next time. =o)

Well, that was our road trip through Sweden and Northern Norway. =o) Very fun, educational and everything, but now I am going to relax and hang out with my parwents and my brother and his family for the rest of the holiday.

Take care now, bye bye then! =o)

P.S. When you read my “little” letters, you’ll notice that some words are marked in a different colour. I know that this colour is not very visible, but if you’re looking for them you will see them. =o) You can click on these words and get to another website. I have linked to those websites so that you can read more about certain things, should you want to. In this letter I’ve been writing the websites for you, but in the future I will only mark some words so that you can click on the words and be taken to another website.